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Discover Your Motivators

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

A key tool we use at Uspire is Motivational Maps®. This self-diagnostic tool helps individuals to identify what motivates them and the extent to which their motivators are being met. We use this information to help our clients build personal action plans for better performance and satisfaction at work.

Motivation is such a key driver of high performance and is intrinsically linked to effective leadership. We  believe there are two main aspects of leadership of which any leader must be completely in control, and Motivational Maps help our clients to understand how motivated they are to do both well.

Firstly, we advocate the ability to work “on” the business – the development of the business strategy and the implementation of the processes, systems and structures that enable the strategy to be delivered.

Secondly is the ability to work “in” the business – this is not about being embedded in the implementation of the systems, it is about recruiting, creating and sustaining winning teams, a key factor of which is motivation. High-performing teams are characterised by their motivation; their motivation to change, develop and grow, but this motivation must be cultivated and driven by their leader. And not only must that leader motivate every individual in their team, they must motivate themselves.

And this is where Motivational Maps can really help. Maps can be created for individuals, steering people on the right pathway for increased motivation and renewed energy, and they can also be created for teams. Most teams are assembled on the basis of relevant and complimentary skill sets and individual motivations are not really considered.  Whilst individual conflicts are often ascribed to “personality clashes” they are very often motivational in origin. Team Maps enable leaders to determine whether the energies of the team are harmonised with the mission, whether internal conflicts need addressing and how to set motivational rewards.

The Network Discovery Days from Uspire are a chance to experience the power of The Network in one high-energy, value add session. Discover Your Motivators is one of the Discovery Day themes we adopt. This helps commercial leaders use Motivational Maps to outline their latent motivators and create a plan toward increasing their energy and effectiveness.

Click to see all planned Uspire Discover Days

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