Success in a Multi-Generational Workplace - Mark Francis

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Uspire LIVE 3rd October 2024 - Mark Francis - Insight

Leadership in the Age of Gen Z: Redefining Managerial Approaches
The landscape of leadership is undergoing a dramatic transformation, driven by the influx of Generation Z into the workforce. Leaders, especially those from older generations like Baby Boomers, are being challenged to rethink how they engage and manage the youngest generation in today’s working world. Mark led a provocative session at Uspire LIVE, unpicking the findings from a study of 2,600 Gen Z employees and 70 of their managers, and highlighting the key paradigm shifts needed to inspire and lead Gen Z workers effectively.

Shifting Leadership Approaches for a New Generation
Mark reflected on how his leadership style, as a Baby Boomer, has evolved. He recalls his old approach of assigning tasks and then stepping back, which no longer resonates with younger employees. Instead of simply providing resources and setting expectations, a more participative style is needed, one that fosters engagement by encouraging employees to be open about their career ambitions and the type of relationship they seek with their manager.

This shift, he notes, is essential for creating full engagement and mutual understanding from the start. Gen Z, the largest and most diverse generation entering the workforce, brings with them a new set of expectations. They are not just looking for work; they seek purpose, social impact, and a sense of belonging in the workplace.

What Gen Z Wants: Insights from the Research
Gen Z employees, particularly women, want supportive and approachable managers. They also value work-life balance and expect their leaders to acknowledge the importance of personal well-being alongside career growth. Unlike older generations, where work often took precedence, Gen Z sees career as just one facet of a fulfilling life.

Mark emphasizes the importance of role models in leadership. Leaders must not only talk about diversity and inclusion but actively demonstrate these values through their actions. This includes gender equity and creating spaces where employees of all identities—male, female, and non-binary—feel truly valued.

For men in Gen Z, there is a strong desire for innovation and experimentation. Leaders need to create environments where ambitious projects are encouraged, and breakthrough thinking is supported. This generation thrives in workplaces that are forward-thinking, technologically advanced, and open to new ideas.

Inclusivity at the Core
One of the most powerful insights from the research is the need for inclusivity to go beyond tokenism. For non-binary and gender-fluid employees, a work culture that celebrates diversity and embraces differences at its core is critical. Leaders must challenge themselves to create genuine spaces of inclusion, where every voice is heard and valued.

Mark stresses that inclusivity is not just a checkbox exercise but a fundamental shift in how organizations operate. Leaders must ask themselves whether they are truly embracing these values or merely paying lip service to them.

Quick Wins and Long-Term Leadership Strategies
To help leaders take immediate action, Mark offers several “quick wins.” These include offering flexible work arrangements, creating psychological safety, emphasizing continuous learning, and providing transparent and frequent feedback. These steps, while simple, can significantly enhance engagement and productivity within multigenerational teams.

For long-term success, Mark suggests redefining leadership styles and supporting dual career paths, ensuring that employees' personal and professional aspirations are aligned. He also advocates for the development of mentorship programs, particularly for women in leadership, as a way to cultivate confidence and career advancement.

Leading Generation Z requires more than adapting to new technologies; it demands a cultural shift in how leadership is practiced. By fostering inclusivity, encouraging innovation, and offering genuine support, today’s leaders can inspire the next generation and unlock their full potential. As Mark concludes, the future of leadership is not just about managing tasks but about creating environments where every individual can thrive.

Build a leadership plan for your multi-generational teams with Uspire. Co-created training programs and Academies are available to support your leadership team in getting the best from your people.

Contact Mark Francis or Andy Smith

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