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Emma Stroud: Improvisation for leaders (Preview)

Anchor yourself in a confident, positive , unlimited mindset and succeed via innovation and improvisation.

Emma Stroud is on a mission to get the world to laugh and play more.

She can be seen MCing and speaking at events across the world (currently all from home!)

She runs Mastermind Groups for CEO's, MD's and entrepreneurs. Clients include – Barclays, Bloomsburg, Bayer – to name a few (that all happen to start with a B!)

She delivered "improvisation for leaders" exclusively for Uspire Network members, building on the seven principles of jazz improvisation that can help leaders guide teams and organisational challenges:

  • Mastering the art of unlearning
  • Affirmative competence
  • Performing and experimenting simultaneously
  • Minimal structure, maximum autonomy
  • Jamming and hanging out
  • Fellowship is a noble calling
  • Leadership is a provocative competence.

Emma brings a smile to our faces every time we see her, and, as you will discover, the power of laughter is a vital part of the leadership equation.

This content is exclusively for Network members, but complete the form to see the fascinating first 10 mins.

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