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Marcus Child: Unleash your potential (Preview)

Leading for resilience, resourcefulness and results. The 5 leader superpowers.

Developed and delivered exclusively for Uspire network members, this session from multi-award-winning speaker, Marcus Child, focuses on 5 leading superpowers to unleash your potential.

The Covid climate has given leaders a chance to nurture agility, develop entrepreneurial thinking and reset the culture in their businesses.

It’s a moment to:

  • Role model the behaviours and values that get us through disorder
  • Lead teams inclusively
  • Reset our ambitions with boldness and courage

Marcus highlight’s 5 key assets to strengthen within ourselves to:

  • Manage our state as leaders to achieve the role-modelling and decision-making that can change the tone and, ultimately, the game
  • Understand how the 5 separate fibres of resilience affect each other and how we can strengthen each one - to set ourselves up for peak performance and increase our tolerance in challenging circumstances.
  • Enable and nurture a bright, positive, can-do soundtrack in our business, despite the external noise, fear and lack of composure.
  • Set stirring, compelling, identity-based goals that drive a fresh sense of cause and purpose.
  • Share with others insights from the Kübler-Ross curve to help them keep perspective, manage their families and stir them to new levels of commitment and engagement.

This content is exclusively for Network members, but complete the form to see the fascinating first 10 mins.

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