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Helen Morris Brown: The Art of Effective Communication

Effective Communication in an Agile Organisation

You know you have to be a great communicator if you are going to survive and prosper in a fast-changing world. But have you noticed that is a lot easier to say than do?

In this session Helen outlines the psychology behind communicating effectively in an agile environment. Using illusions and neuroscience to illustrate her points, Helen will be offering insights into the psychology of matching expectations and how the chemicals in our brain affect our ability to communicate effectively in an ever-changing world.

Helen also explains how to lead in a way that leaves people feeling good about you and gives them the confidence to trust you from the word go. She presents the latest evidence about how to build mutually beneficial relationships with people and customers along with tips and tricks on how to achieve it yourself.

Key takeaways:

  • gain trust of people in your network
  • do what you said you'd do
  • create a feel-good factor each time you connect with someone else

About the presenters

Helen Morris Brown is a business psychologist with over twenty years' experience helping people to be more productive and satisfied at work. Since the success of her TEDx talk in 2015, she has been a keynote speaker at international conferences and delivers workshops and seminars in organisations. Her main aim is to help people develop an inner confidence and sense of self-worth so that they have the resilience to deal with the challenges of work and life.

Uspire Chair, Colin Wright, is a passionate coach and mentor, with a belief that knowledge and experience should be shared to enhance the lives and success of others. The former MD of large corporate organisations such as Vodafone, Cauldwell Group, Greencore and Hazelwood Foods, Colin is now an active advisor to private equity and business angel networks.

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