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International Organisation Case Study

Galvanising a global team of 55 trainers, all with various mandates, deep institutional cultures and diverse personal backgrounds.
This international organisation needed to galvanise a team of diverse trainers who would need to overcome limited resources and deliver engaging, quality training to their country teams.
Situation Brief
Task given to Uspire
Action Taken

55 trainers from across 5 continents needed to be suitably trained to become change agents in their respective countries.

Facilitate a multi-dimensional and multi-national group over three days, first to agree the strategy and then to be trained in the skills of change agents (presentation, facilitation and education).

Mark Francis and Peter Cooper chaired 5 pre-meetings to prepare the in-house team and the keynote speakers. The training was scheduled for 3 days of delivery, and the preparation continued with a full rehearsal in-situ on the day before the Conference. After that, Mark and Peter hosted and facilitated the 3-day Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, with the support of 4 Uspire Associates.

There is no better way to demonstrate results than by sharing the thank you email from the Programme Director:

'Last week's Global Training of Trainers (would have been better titled "Facilitator") Programme was an incredible success, thanks to you and your team.

You created a truly meaningful event for 50+ colleagues who descended from around the globe with various mandates, deep institutional cultures, and diverse personal backgrounds into a windowless room for 3 days to talk about how to deliver training to country teams with - essentially - no resources. We ended the meeting with Regional Action Plans, individual commitments to the cause, and relationships that I'm certain will generate positive impact well beyond the scope of our project.

Pete, Mark and team - you are at your best in a crowd of people, quietly reading the room, encouraging/nudging others toward more collaborative and productive engagement, adjusting your own approach and agenda on the fly. It was an astonishingly good example of how to facilitate.

I cannot tell you how much I personally appreciate your patience, guidance, leadership, and positive energy. I showed up on Tuesday morning anxious and tired having been up all night stressed about what was to come. On Tuesday evening, I went home and slept better than I had in weeks knowing that, under your leadership, the Programme was going to be a huge success. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.

What an important and exciting step for the work we are undertaking. People around the world will be better off thanks to you, and Uspire".


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