During the next few months, we will be focussing on increasing your self-awareness as a leader. We began with an excellent network session on leading with emotional intelligence (EQ) rather than intellect (IQ). This provocation helped us to […]
It’s time to reflect again on these unusual times we find ourselves in and our ability to either sustain gains or recover from losses resulting from the pandemic. I read an interesting article from McKinsey recently which talks […]
In this blog we will explore the leadership challenges surrounding delegation, employee empowerment and how this integrates with the culture, principles and ethos of the organisation. Over the years I have looked at various surveys that analyse employee […]
Why according to a recent survey in America are seven out of ten of the most productive people women? A research paper published in the BMC psychology journal confirmed that women outperform men when multi-tasking in a majority […]
In this blog we will continue to explore the ‘U’ for understand in the SUCCESS model. As we conclude this section and consider all of the different components that will assist your strategic understanding of the market you […]
As we continue with our theme of the SUCCESSTM model and the need to think more strategically about your business and the market it serves, the critical concept of your core ideology should be revisited to confirm its […]
My last blog covered the “Grow with Success” model and the importance of revisiting your strategic planning process. The Uspire Network approach is to first fully UNDERSTAND (U) your business environment and then CREATE (C) the strategic imperatives. […]
Once you have determined the high level strategy required to resolve and manage your disruption contingency plans it is critical to identify the most effective team leaders. The best plans and well-structured disaster response programmes will just come undone without […]
Recently we held one of our first Uspire Online Discovery Days and people were able to experience the benefit of colour insights. As we explored the behaviours of different colour styles under stressful conditions it became apparent that […]