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The power of agile leadership - delivered by Mark Francis

Make smarter, faster, kinder decisions

Created to support leaders navigate the #VUCA fog (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous), the Agility Code enables smarter, faster, kinder leadership.

During this Uspire Discover session, Mark Francis, does a fantastic job of unpicking the Agility Code. He really probes and encourages stories and insights from leaders who have embraced the Code and demonstrate agile leadership.

Mark speaks with Tom Redman, Managing Director of Big Bus London and Bep Dhaliwal, Founder of Thrive365.

Watch Tom Redman, Managing Director, Big Bus Tours London - 14 mins

When Tom makes fast decisions he trusts his instinct to make them smart. He has confidence in his retained knowledge and if he is at least 51% certain the decision is right, he will make it. And even if it turns out to be the wrong choice, he uses contingency planning to rectify.

Watch Bep Dhaliwal, Founder, Thrive365 - 14 mins

Bep demonstrates how kinder decisions are proven to have real impact on culture, retention and business performance. It is incredible how something so available to us all can have such a dramatic impact.

About Mark

Mark is founding partner and Director of Organisational Learning at The Uspire Group. An FMCG salesperson with over 30 years of commercial experience, his final corporate role was VP Global HR for JT International. Mark has coached sales teams in 42 countries for 24 businesses across 9 industries; he brings relentless enthusiasm to design and delivery.

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