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Floyd Woodrow: Compass for Life - Session 1

Compass for Life: Super North Star and Strategist

Compass for LifeTM is a proprietary values-based transformational coaching service developed by Floyd Woodrow – speaker, author, coach, entrepreneur.

Compass for Life is a unique approach that brings together the best aspects of leadership training currently available into a simple, concise and effective framework. It complements all current leadership methodology by aligning them with each cardinal so that everyone can have a compass for life that works for them as an individual, family, team or organisation.

Floyd delivered this Compass for Life session at Uspire L.I.V.E. , where senior leaders from a wide array of sectors came together to discuss and debate the need to Lead In Volatile Environments.

In this session Floyd introduces the concept of Compass for Life and reviews the first two cardinals – having a Super North Star and a Strategy to get there.

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