Bausch & Lomb Case Study

“Generating significant profit growth through a far-reaching KAM key competency programme”
Bausch & Lomb is a visionary innovations business who approached Uspire to upskill their KAM team so they could maintain growth within a hugely dynamic European market.
Situation Brief
Task given to Uspire
Action Taken

The pharma division across Europe had developed rapidly over recent years and very large customers emerged across both teaching hospitals/trusts and pharma wholesalers. Bausch & Lomb realised that these customers demanded key account management if they were to be successful.

Develop a carefully tailored training programme suitable for EMEA pharma KAMs which ensures all necessary KAM skills are in evidence.

Working closely with the central team USPIRE developed five core KAM competencies for B+L:

  • Customer Focus and Understanding
  • Customer Planning
  • Selling to Key Accounts
  • Key Account Negotiation
  • Key Account Communication/Influencing

Desired levels necessary for KAM success were identified and all KAMs assessed against the competencies. The findings informed creation of the ‘Competitive Edge KAM Programme’ covering four modules, each of three days duration asnd the reaction to the programme was overwhelmingly positive and sales results through key accounts in the period after training were +17% volume + 19% profit.

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